A Few Random Photos to Round Out August

August is ending and preparations begin for the future. My September clothes are out of the closet and dissipating their musky scent into the well-furnished rooms of my luxury apartment. My camera battery sits on the charger, blinking rhythmically to the pulse of electrons. Outside the leaves are changing from vibrant green to green. Plants drop seeds onto the heads of ground-dwelling insects, knocking them unconscious and allowing flying insects to have their way with them. The cold, corrosive summer fog rolls into cold late summer fog.

The lonely vole pokes his head up into the clouds only to mutter the same thing as last year.

“No freaking way,” says the vole.

Bottle deposit scam, Half Moon Bay.

They are almost what’s for dinner.

Strawberry fields for sometimes.

Classic man.


Insane clown couple.

Fog fisherman.

Big melons spotted on the nude beach.

Burying the catch to elude dogs.

Power in the middle of nowhere, Prague.

Saucer eyes.

Macho lavender.

Making som tom at home, spicy style.

High tech backhoe name.

Horrific pre-school car crash.

Bold trophies.


Delicious soba noodle salad at Namu.

That’s so ramen!

Breast cancer awareness meter.


Vietnamese sandwich and side salad.


No, indeed.

August 29th, 2011. Categories / San Francisco

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