Snow Falling on Stumps

During Monday’s bedtime, the longtime cold mixed with water to create sublime snow. Rather than playtime, I slogged trough the prime alpine towards the confines of my job to do some graphic design. Thus entwined, I pined for well-earned downtime.

My vehicle is not designed for this weather.

One of the few cars that wasn’t being crashed into or crashing into others. There were some hilarious and pathetic low speed crashes on Tuesday due to people being fools. Walking around, you see a lot of dinged up cars. In my neighborhood, the cars line the curb like bumpers, so if a car starts sliding it bounces around like a bowling ball on the kid’s lane. This video posted by someone from Portland shows how ridiculous it could get:

Zen and the art of abandoned company rooftop decks.

Person outside the window during a morning meeting. I’d rather be him.

January 17th, 2007. Categories / Portland

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