A Few Photos Around Nashville, Tennessee

I’m a lazy S.O.B. This is a post of few words but many photos from the past few days around Nashville, Tennessee.

Without further ado:


Walking along a country road on a winter day.


Rusted barrel.

One of hundreds of amazing old barns.

Snow-dusted hay bales.

Barn and bird.

Modest and patriotic house.

Dead cat in the grass.


Braying donkey on a hill.

Roadkill. I cropped out the eyes that was dangling from the socket.

Sorghum Sweet Gum pod on a wire. (Thanks Dane!)

Collapsed barn in the field.

Red blooms, blue sky.

Half cow, half buffalo, all good.

Gate in the snow.

Snowy woods.

Marking my territory.

Sliding with R.

Indian and pink elephant sculptures.

Sad Sam’s grocery, gas, and fireworks.

I like pig butts, I cannot lie.

The side of circus wagon.

The weirdest national anthem.

Lady and horses.

Healthy menu.

Grocery store.

Hunters auto detailing.

Weiss Liquors.

Our sweet ride, an 80s Grand Am.

The windshield.

Train bridge over the Cumberland River.

A well maintained appliance.

The store for all.

OWEN sign. I don’t know what OWEN sells.

An abandoned building at the old Nyhoff Packing Plant.

A ramp.

The guard dog.

Water tower; hydrant.

Concrete plant with downtown Nashville behind.

Old car manufacturing plant.

Lonely house on blocks.

Liquor and ice cold beer.

Fence and dollar values.

King Fish; Car dealership.

Park-Johnson Hall.

Bent vent.

Water tower; Sexy BBQ pig.

Hobos at Nashville’s scale Parthenon replica.

Berries and bird.

Geese eating bread.

Drooping log.

J.’s beautiful blue eyes reflecting a bench.

Me, throwing wood chips.

Last night’s homemade dinner: steak, home fries, collard greens, spinach, and caramelized onions.

More soon.

February 1st, 2009. Categories / N. America

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