Skunkworks, Walks, Alameda Flea Market, Urban Ore, and More

In the month-long break from working for money, I’ve been to Tahoe and enjoyed being out and about during daylight. But for the past three weeks, I’ve been at work on a secret project dubbed “Skunkworks”.

Since J’s new work schedule dictates getting up early, I’ve actually been trying to get my day’s work out of the way between 8AM and lunch time. I can’t reveal what this project is yet, but I hope that it will lead somewhere. It has been both daunting and fun.

Until then, here are some photos from play time.


Sudden stairs.

Unfinished swan.

Sinister garage.

Take me down to big dog city, where the grass is green and the girls are bitchy.

No longer remote.

Skunkworks HQ, outer workstation.

Special delivery.

Carts at the Alameda Flea Market.

For Prague mail.

When will gold upholstery come back?

I found it.


Monster’s Inc, budget edition: Urban Ore in Berkeley.

Hi tech lectern of God.

Enough tools to collect on an entire city’s horse racing debts.


Secret room.

Cautionary doors.

Lids without a stinky home.

I have that sinking feeling again.

Electronics and testing station.

Urban wood.

Golden Gate path.


Foliage free tree.

Steel Magnolias is filmed on location in the botanical gardens.



The loneliest bench in the botanical gardens.

Crossing the bog.

Another path.

Grand entrance.

Pretending to have dessert on Mir.

And another path.

Forklift paperweight.

Fried chicken topped ramen with bud.

Now I’m off to Dallas to pet some cats, get bitten by raccoons, and spend time with family.


One Comment


You take Great pictures. What kind of camera/lens you use ?. These are really great pictures. I went through all your postings on your India trip. I really enjoyed. Thank you. Trying to find time to read other postings. :-)

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March 10th, 2013. Categories / San Francisco

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