Biking to Larkspur
During unusually sunny Saturday weather, J and I biked across the Golden Gate Bridge and headed north. We mostly stuck to the bay’s edge, exploring the houseboats of Sausalito, the marsh path near Mill Valley, and the scary highway path to get to the Tiburon Ferry.
Our route: red line outbound, blue ferry, maroon return. Total mileage: 30.
Lime Point Lighthouse from above.
Row, row, row your dingy gently down the thingy.
Art car.
In bloom.
Moist toys.
Band name idea number 23859812: “Translucent Horse”
Dried fennel along the shore.
A son’s shore leave.
Jaguar at the docks.
Mail bushes.
I named this fence “Barbara”.
Marin Corp. of Engineers rubbish extractor boat.
Magnetic alphabet.
Bay Area Model entrance ramp.
Scale estuary.
The mighty bay.
A small idea has the power to move miniature mountains.
One way handsets.
Empty pools.
The reserve tank.
The mighty Pacific Ocean.
I never really knew how deep the water got under the Golden Gate.
Trash pulled from the bay.
Bike path.
More storage.
Boat at low tide.
Homey pier.
Remains of a houseboat.
Another homey pier.
After Sausalito, I stopped taking photos and just enjoyed the ride. I was tired. When we got back to the city, we ate lunch at the ferry building, then biked along the bay. I picked up a high-powered front lamp for my bike that looks like something the Israeli military would endorse.
We got home around 5:30, sun kissed and sweaty. It was time to watch the Muppet Movie and eat cookies.
Exercise, views, cookies and a movie. That’s a good day.
March 5th, 2012 at 3:10 pm