A Weekend Walk Through the Presidio; Miscellany Before Thanksgiving in Santa Fe
On Sunday, J and I went on a long walk from our apartment to the Presidio and back. Our route took us along Lobos Creek, through the middle of the golf course, down to Crissy Field for lunch, then along the Battery to Bluffs trail. The day before suffered from rain storms, so it was a relief to soak in the sun and enjoy the clear air.
“The Painted Ladies” trashier sisters, the “Painted Hussies.”
V’s chicken salad at the dive Cordon Bleu Vietnamese Restaurant.
My chicken plate with meat sauce.
The imposing sign to the ritzy suburban neighborhood of Sea Cliff.
Hummingbird feasting on a eucalyptus blossom.
The boardwalk of Lobos Creek Trail.
This sign makes me want to pee in the water even more.
Hillside and trees.
Formerly a haunted military hospital, this building is now upscale haunted condos.
Hobo fort.
The white door to the unspeakable room.
Flags marking a freshly planted dune.
A hidden seed spreader.
Where carts go to die.
I wonder if I should drink from the bottles in this locker.
Cute little poisonous mushrooms.
One of the Presidio Habitat installations called “Winged Wisdom” by Phillippe Becker Design.
Am I in China again? What is all this construction doing in the middle of the Presidio?
Temporary supports.
A tropical scene at Crissy Field.
High concept photo.
Looking back on the ground we’d covered along the Batteries to Bluffs trail.
Battery Crosby.
A trail through the woods where a coyote had been spotted trying to blow up a roadrunner.
Boarded door.
A Wednesday morning spent building erosion control walls in the Presidio.
Collecting the pots at the end of the morning.
Double ouch.
Chinaman walking back to his domicile realm with sack of noodles in his left hand.
Message on the sidewalk in North Beach.
Don’t get scammed by another man; shop at Busvan for bargains!
The past few days I’ve been in a glum mood, perhaps because of the rain and colder weather. The year is soon over, and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of my confusing personal adventure.
Tomorrow, J and I leave for Thanksgiving in Santa Fe.
As the New Mexicans say, later alligator.
Dude can you send me a link or map to the battery to bluffs trail? Never heard of it!
November 25th, 2010 at 4:23 pm