A Weekend of Pool, Work, Movies, Music, and Walks

The preceding weekend mixed things up.

On Friday, J and I went out to dinner and then played pool at one of the few dedicated halls in town, Family Billiards. We played for an hour, watching the crowds fall and swell. Final score: 3 to 2 wins, my favor. By the time we left, the place was packed. Like everywhere else in our neighborhood, I felt like I was in China again, as the place was at least 90% youth of Chinese ancestry.

On both Saturday and Sunday I had work do do, which I did at home as efficiently as possible. I was bummed to not be able to completely separate myself from the money teat, but ultimately it forced me to make the most of the remaining time.

On Saturday, we walked to breakfast and then through Golden Gate Park to check out the Outside Lands Music Festival. We decided to get tickets to Sunday for $75 each. After lunch, I took care of business.

In the evening, we finally saw Inception. Thought-provoking and compelling, the film is ranked in my top ten. Though this isn’t the type of movie I’d want to watch again. Since I know how it ends (the DiCaprio character is actually a woman), there’s not much point. Nolan is a master of keeping the tension flowing and treating his audience with respect. Inception makes the Matrix trilogy feel like Barney and Friends.

I left the theater feeling in limbo between reality and dreams. I was exhilarated by the filmmaking and depressed at how much a filmmaker ten years my senior has accomplished compared to my feeble achievements.

Shooting pool on a Friday night.

An abandoned bank on Geary.

Old French car in need of repair.

Faded movie poster.

Wood and bin.

Yellow brick.

Pink wall and glass knob.

A good way to live.

Watching concrete getting poured.

J on her new phone.


Woman looking at produce.

Gaspare’s Pizza sign.

The Golden Gate Bridge seen from Fulton along Golden Gate Park.

Chilean Rhubarb.

Metal detecting.

On Sunday, we spent half the day at the music festival. There weren’t a lot of great bands that day, but the highlights for me were Amos Lee, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Al Green, and Phoenix.

We left before the Kings of Leon went on, so that we could go to the coast in time for sunset. We scoped out Sutro Park, then went to a seafood dinner at the cozy Pacific Cafe.

Outside Lands Music Festival crowds on Sunday. Taken with iPhone.

Dried grasses in the woods.

Complicated flower.


Hula girl.

Paving equipment.

The view into town on a surprisingly clear Saturday.

The old army hospital, nearly finished being remodeled and ready for tenants.

J in Sutro Park.

The setting sun.

Ocean Beach.



Container ship heading west.

According to some sources, these crab cakes from Pacific Cafe are the best in town. They better be for $16!

With weekends like these, who needs friends?

I do.

Archives for August, 2010
August 16th, 2010. Categories / San Francisco

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