Bay to Breakers near Alamo Square, New Apartment

Sunday, the massive annual Bay to Breakers Race passed a block from our apartment. The noise woke us up around seven-thirty, and we went out to take a look. Originally, we had planned on racing, but the starting time was too early for our tastes.

Outside, the stream of racers passed by. At eight, all of the competitive ones were long gone. The group was now a mixture of semi-serious people struggling with the hill and the start of the costume/party crowd. Ten minutes later, the whole course was craziness: music, costumes, nudity, beer drinking, dancing. Clumps of people gathered around live music, others broke off to meet friends who lived along the route. The whole thing was basically a slow moving street party.

Mass of runners heading up Hayes near Fillmore.

Another view. Notice the “Artichoke King” in the lower left?

Bishop greeting runners.

Ghetto blaster.

Plane runners.

A variety of runners including Conan, tikis, and the world’s saddest nudist.


Smurfs in a huddle.

Crowd congregating near live music.


Body stockings.

Legos on Steiner.

A group on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were mock fighting.

Pilot’s Union.

Obama and the secret service.

I decided that my scooter was a likely target for getting messed with or peed on, so I went for a drive. Later, V and I got lunch, played an unskillful game of basketball, and two player Pixel Junk Monsters.

On Monday, we picked up the keys to our new, more permanent apartment.

J in the living room.





Signing a lease to a new apartment had a laxative effect. Now it’s time for our crap to make the long, winding journey from north to south.

Tomorrow we head to Portland.

See J’s take on the whole shebang here.

Archives for May, 2010
May 17th, 2010. Categories / San Francisco

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