Happy Birthday J.
Yesterday, J. and I celebrated her birthday by going berry picking at Sauvie Island.
J. rented a Mini through Flexcar earlier in the afternoon, so we had a vehicle. The raspberries and blackberries weren’t looking so hot, but the blueberries were out in full force. We picked a few pints and bought some other discount produce before driving around the island before coming home. It’s never a bad evening if it’s spent on a farm. And I was in a glum mood too.
Some photos:
The road to the farm.
The main eyesore of the new Mini’s already annoying interior styling.
Kruger Farm looking west. You can just imagine John Steinbeck peeing in this landscape.
Partial view of the Columbia River with Mt. St. Helens in the background.
The ride home.
i was in a glum mood yesterday too…i went to bed though. blueberries and sunsets beat that plan pretty good.
July 26th, 2007 at 11:07 am